Monday 8 November 2010

Learn Dutch in Nepal!

Please don't forget to feed the fish!  Niet vergeten: visjes voeren!
In an attempt to create one central place for info on Dutch language classes in Nepal we decided to set up this website. 'We' are a couple of free-lance teachers trying to help interested people to get a grasp of our lovely language.

Why learn Dutch?
  • some people just do it for fun!
  • the dreaded 'Inburgeringsexamen' that you have to pass when you want to settle in The Netherlands
  • studying in The Netherlands or Belgium as an exchange student can mostly be done in English but being able to manage in the local language in shops, on the streets, during family visits, to understand the billboards, read newspapers, get a better paying job, etc. makes you feel more at home
  • being (partly) Dutch or Belgium living abroad most of your life but you want to be able to study in The Netherlands or Belgium
  • keeping in touch with loved ones in The Netherlands or Belgium
  • working for a Dutch company or organisation
  • any other reason you can come up with.
Whatever reason, we cater for it with customised classes.

How we work
When we can get a couple of students together we like to teach in a small group (4-6 students). If this is not possible we also do private classes. The classes take place at our homes as we are not an institute with a building. Although we work separately we meet on a regular basis to discuss teaching methods, new developments, and share experiences so that when needed and possible we can cover each other's classes. At the moment we've got two teachers in Patan, one in Kathmandu and one in Pokhara but we try to get a bigger group together to make it easier to accommodate all applicants. We keep in contact with the Dutch and the Belgium Consulates in order to stay up to date with requirements and other important issues.

How to go ahead
On this website you find a short description of the teachers, information on the courses we offer and how to subscribe. Hopelijk tot binnenkort!